YOUR Turning Point
33 Questions for
By: Steven Jay Blank
Discover how to take control of your life and destiny with this guide to personal transformation. Drawing upon the research of great Psychiatrists, Theologians, Writers, and Academics, the book establishes what is at stake in doing, or alternately not doing this important work.
It emphatically asserts that in every life, a ‘THIS or THAT’ moment arrives, one in which we either face a dimmer and diminished future or outline and take the steps to claim a brighter tomorrow.
The time is now and the great questions to make it happen are to be found in the process of this reading this groundbreaking book.
“Kill Options”
Vanquish Your Past
Claim Your “Universal-Consequence”

YOUR Turning Point
33 Questions for
by: Steven J. Blank
Discover how to take control of your life and destiny with this guide to personal transformation. Drawing upon the research of great Psychiatrists, Theologians, Writers, and Academics, the book establishes what is at stake in doing, or alternately not doing this important work.
It emphatically asserts that in every life, a ‘THIS or THAT’ moment arrives, one in which we either face a dimmer and diminished future or outline and take the steps to claim a brighter tomorrow.
The time is now and the great questions to make it happen are to be found in the process of this reading this groundbreaking book.
“Kill Options”
Vanquish Your Past
Claim Your “Universal-Consequence”
About the Author
Steven Jay Blank
The author, Steven Jay Blank, has written extensively for over thirty years on a wide range of topics. From Career/job transition and Self-Improvement, to Women’s Personal Safety and how to make our roads safer for teens.
In Maryland, he is well known as the owner of a successful Educational Supply Business which has created over ninety jobs and raised over $100,000 for High Schools across the US. Blank is a prolific Researcher, Writer, and Educator and this book is an organic outcome of his own life experiences.
In developing this guide over the past ten years, he has ‘lived’ the topic, taking the steps outlined in the work. Like the reader, he has worked through missteps, miscues, and challenges on the road to achieving self-actualization.
About the Book
This book is written to be found; a discovery for some not familiar with the concept of personal transformation and for others that may have flirted with it. Then, for a select few, those who have already, knowingly, or unknowingly done some of the pre-work, this may spur them into action.
It presents questions but is more about looking at yourself in three dimensions, your past, present, and future. The questions I present are for self-examination, understanding your motivations, and plotting a brighter future.
At its worst, reading this work may be uncomfortable. That is because facing the truth is hard and unpleasant sometimes. There are concepts and points in here that will make you look at yourself and what has occurred in your life- without letting you point to someone or something else, as an excuse.
At its best, it will be supportive of all the great, undiscovered, and improved things inside you as well as inspire you to consider or implement change. As Tony Robbins suggests, you can ‘Awaken the Giant Within‘.*
Steven Jay Blank, Lutherville, MD April 2, 2023
Table of Contents
Section 1. Self-Awareness
The book begins by stating that having ‘Self-Awareness’ is an essential part of any successful transformation. This introductory section, the first of the three in the book, provides a starting point and specific examples of what the effort entails, how to approach it, and what one may find in making the journey.
Main Points
- Self-Awareness is knowing yourself, and studying past decisions in order to have better results in the future.
- Reviewing the past, with an eye on not repeating it, is essential for growth
- Uncovering patterns of behavior and decision-making are imperative before one can move on
- The influence of society on the individual from the outside is illustrated
This section ties into the larger piece in that by dealing with, and taking ‘ownership’ of your past, makes way for future growth and development. The author goes on to point out that without such close inspection and reconciliation, the past could appear once again, clouding and impeding your future.
“When the pain gets real enough, it’s only then, you do something”
– Anon
Here it is shown that Self-awareness is indeed step one on a transformational journey. It is also illustrated that this concept is not a work of fiction, just created here, but in fact, is based on the work of dozens of Psychologists, Theologians, Philosophers, and Researchers.
Lastly, this part of the book sets the stage for the following sections, Philosophy and Action, by establishing a baseline that effectively roots the reader in the reality of their own circumstance.
Section 2. Philosophy
Here the author covers specific questions regarding how individuals will approach transformation and establishes that these will vary by individual. It is impressed upon the reader just how important it is to have a guiding set of principles, coming from one’s own intrinsic beliefs and values, for the journey.
Main Points
- Begins the section by not assuming that all can achieve transformation
- Opens the door for you to establish your own ‘why’/motivation
- Shares his own ‘whys’ and motivation for transformation
- Defines a ‘tipping point, what he terms as a THIS or THAT moment
- Describes how you ‘can’t get there from here’- except with smaller steps in between
- Discusses the phenomenon of ‘failure to teach how to fail’
- Stresses how fear and insecurity exist in our culture and how they impact the individual as a person and consequently, their outcomes
- Relates what Steve Jobs knew about fear, and why what he knew is important – to the reader
“If you know the why, the how will follow”
— old business truism
Determining ‘why’ the reader may, or should, go on a transformational sojourn is a big part of this segment. Here, the author walks the audience through possible pathways and potential outcomes and even shares his own experience.
The fundamental belief here is that in looking at one’s own values and beliefs, a ‘North Star’ can appear, one that will guide the reader on the way forward.
In conclusion, it becomes apparent that many good questions, along with some good answers, reside inside each of us. Through an intensive look at the reader’s own view of life and the reason for their existence, the author does his best to help bring them out.
Section 3. Action
This section seems like the ‘second shoe to drop’ in the book. The first section sets the tone and establishes the major groundwork to be done, while the second section is more like a pause, where the reader catches their breath, before launching into this part, which is on taking action.
Main Points
- Readiness
- The qualities needed for successful transformation
- Resources you will need
- The steps ahead
- Time management and how the author does it
- Arriving at your own transformative questions
“Things are created twice, once in your mind, and then again in reality”
— Anon
Here the work centers on using your faculties to attain your goal (s): Self-Actualization and Transformation. It points out that one must ‘kill’ options, choosing one path or thing over another, in the process. Other recommended actions are to model others and the methods they use in achieving their goals.
The moment of “Action” described is one that is irrecoverable and kind of a “point-of-no-return”.
Everything after will never be the “same”.
The author makes no guarantees about what will follow but makes a strong statement that gliding along as if all is OK fails to recognize some harsh realities. Ho goes on to point out that the world is kind of engineered against you as an individual, and a life of consequence may not be realized unless you endeavor to understand and confront the forces shaping your reality.
In the reading, you can almost feel the notion of a sort of ‘uncertainty’ in this moment, the one right before total immersion, commitment, and ignition. Just like the first cell, atom, and impulse from the Big Bang’, the energy is unleashed, and your new ‘universe’ is born.
display none
This book is written to be found; a discovery for some not familiar with the concept of personal transformation and for others that may have flirted with it. Then, for a select few, those who have already, knowingly, or unknowingly done some of the pre-work, this may spur them into action.
It presents questions but is more about looking at yourself in three dimensions, your past, present, and future. The questions I present are for self-examination, understanding your motivations, and plotting a brighter future.
At its worst, reading this work may be uncomfortable. That is because facing the truth is hard and unpleasant sometimes. There are concepts and points in here that will make you look at yourself and what has occurred in your life- without letting you point to someone or something else, as an excuse.
At its best, it will be supportive of all the great, undiscovered, and improved things inside you as well as inspire you to consider or implement change. As Tony Robbins suggests, you can ‘Awaken the Giant Within‘.*
Steven Jay Blank, Lutherville, MD April 2, 2023
Table of Contents
1. Self-Awareness
The book begins by stating that having ‘Self-Awareness’ is an essential part of any successful transformation. This introductory section, the first of the three in the book, provides a starting point and specific examples of what the effort entails, how to approach it, and what one may find in making the journey.
Main Points
- Self-Awareness is knowing yourself, and studying past decisions in order to have better results in the future.
- Reviewing the past, with an eye on not repeating it, is essential for growth
- Uncovering patterns of behavior and decision-making are imperative before one can move on
- The influence of society on the individual from the outside is illustrated
This section ties into the larger piece in that by dealing with, and taking ‘ownership’ of your past, makes way for future growth and development. The author goes on to point out that without such close inspection and reconciliation, the past could appear once again, clouding and impeding your future.
“When the pain gets real enough, it’s only then, you do something”
– Anon
Here it is shown that Self-awareness is indeed step one on a transformational journey. It is also illustrated that this concept is not a work of fiction, just created here, but in fact, is based on the work of dozens of Psychologists, Theologians, Philosophers, and Researchers.
Lastly, this part of the book sets the stage for the following sections, Philosophy and Action, by establishing a baseline that effectively roots the reader in the reality of their own circumstance.
2. Philosophy
Here the author covers specific questions regarding how individuals will approach transformation and establishes that these will vary by individual. It is impressed upon the reader just how important it is to have a guiding set of principles, coming from one’s own intrinsic beliefs and values, for the journey.
Main Points
- Begins the section by not assuming that all can achieve transformation
- Opens the door for you to establish your own ‘why’/motivation
- Shares his own ‘whys’ and motivation for transformation
- Defines a ‘tipping point, what he terms as a THIS or THAT moment
- Describes how you ‘can’t get there from here’- except with smaller steps in between
- Discusses the phenomenon of ‘failure to teach how to fail’
- Stresses how fear and insecurity exist in our culture and how they impact the individual as a person and consequently, their outcomes
- Relates what Steve Jobs knew about fear, and why what he knew is important – to the reader
“If you know the why, the how will follow”
— old business truism
Determining ‘why’ the reader may, or should, go on a transformational sojourn is a big part of this segment. Here, the author walks the audience through possible pathways and potential outcomes and even shares his own experience.
The fundamental belief here is that in looking at one’s own values and beliefs, a ‘North Star’ can appear, one that will guide the reader on the way forward.
In conclusion, it becomes apparent that many good questions, along with some good answers, reside inside each of us. Through an intensive look at the reader’s own view of life and the reason for their existence, the author does his best to help bring them out.
3. Action
This section seems like the ‘second shoe to drop’ in the book. The first section sets the tone and establishes the major groundwork to be done, while the second section is more like a pause, where the reader catches their breath, before launching into this part, which is on taking action.
Main Points
- Readiness
- The qualities needed for successful transformation
- Resources you will need
- The steps ahead
- Time management and how the author does it
- Arriving at your own transformative questions
“Things are created twice, once in your mind, and then again in reality”
— Anon
Here the work centers on using your faculties to attain your goal (s): Self-Actualization and Transformation. It points out that one must ‘kill’ options, choosing one path or thing over another, in the process. Other recommended actions are to model others and the methods they use in achieving their goals.
The moment of “Action” described is one that is irrecoverable and kind of a “point-of-no-return”.
Everything after will never be the “same”.
The author makes no guarantees about what will follow but makes a strong statement that gliding along as if all is OK fails to recognize some harsh realities. Ho goes on to point out that the world is kind of engineered against you as an individual, and a life of consequence may not be realized unless you endeavor to understand and confront the forces shaping your reality.
In the reading, you can almost feel the notion of a sort of ‘uncertainty’ in this moment, the one right before total immersion, commitment, and ignition. Just like the first cell, atom, and impulse from the Big Bang’, the energy is unleashed, and your new ‘universe’ is born.
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